Robotic Technology

Robotic Technology - Total Knee Replacement

Standard robotic knee replacement with CUVIS Joint typically comprises of:

    1. In-clinic Diagnosis
    2. CT-Scan
    3. Pre-surgery Planning (Virtual Simulation)
    4. Autonomous Robotic Surgical Procedure
    5. Discharge from Hospital

CUVIS Joint robot for knee replacement is based on 4 core values of simplicity, accuracy, flexibility and safety.


  • 3D bone model generation with fast and easy CT image data
  • Reduced surgery preparation time with convenient user interface


  • Precise pre-surgical planning executed every time
  • Sub-millimeter dimensional accuracy


  • Various cutting options
  • Provision for intra-operative plan changing and gap balancing


  • Real time system monitoring
  • Emergency stop and force freeze with an option of manual guide of robot arm

Robots for Knee Replacement

Depending upon the execution and working methodology during surgery, there are different types of robots available for knee replacement:

Passive Robot:

These are mostly imageless or x-Ray based systems. They do the job of knee navigation and do not assist surgeon to make cuts, as the robotic arm is not capable of taking bone cuts.

Semi-Active Robot:

CT image based systems with a hepatic arm and surgeon has to guide the arm to the bone and take bone cuts. Again it has certain limitations, some of the important intra-operative procedures like box cut, lug holes, re-cuts and some other manipulations are difficult to handle.

Active Robot:

CT image based system (CUVIS Joint) and does accurate pre-plan and one cannot err on important surgical landmarks. Does help surgeons to take all the cuts in their preferred sequence and also it’s all automatic- surgeon uses a remote control to maneuver the robotic arm and the cutting tool makes all cuts with utmost precision and safety.

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