Robotic Knee Replacement

Robotic Knee Replacement

In Robotic Total Knee Replacement procedure, a robot is used to take required surgical bone cuts as against conventional manual procedure. Considering the superiority of this technologically advanced procedure, one can surely expect the best post-surgical outcomes with robot i.e. CUVIS Joint as against manual way of surgeries.

Standard robotic knee replacement with CUVIS Joint typically comprises of:

    1. In-clinic Diagnosis
    2. CT-Scan
    3. Pre-surgery Planning (Virtual Simulation)
    4. Autonomous Robotic Surgical Procedure
    5. Discharge from Hospital

When compared to conventional manual surgical procedure, robotic knee replacement has a lot of benefits on offer like:

    • Best post-surgery results
    • Patient specific i.e. personalized pre-surgery planning
    • Maximum surgical accuracy
    • Minimally invasive nature – lesser blood loss and associated pain
    • Faster recovery with lesser hospital stay required
    • Least human interference (best suited to reduce the risk of COVID-19)


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